ZOLL® CPR-D-padz® One-Piece Adult Electrode (5 year life)* AED PLUS


The CPR-D-padz comes complete with:

  • Real CRP Help®
  • CPR barrier mask
  • Scissors
  • Disposable gloves
  • Prep razor
  • Towel
  • Moist towelette.

The CPR-D-padz comes complete with Real CRP Help®, a CPR barrier mask, scissors, disposable gloves, a prep razor, a towel, and a moist towelette.

This revolutionary one-piece adult electrode ensures fast and accurate placement, then senses and reports the depth and rate of the chest compressions to the ZOLL® AED Plus®.

With a five-year shelf life, the CPR-D-padz electrode has the longest shelf life of any disposable electrode.

Weight 0.15 kg


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